黑媽基隆奪-APR IIDA 餐廳室內設計金獎


這次是 APR IIDA 餐廳室內設計金獎 –


黑媽在2022年接受了4個國際比賽邀請 ~ 很多榮幸的我們得到了3大榮譽.

– 2022年10月~ ~ 黑媽基隆入圍 SBID大獎(英國和歐洲國際設計協會)的“酒吧設計”的十強之一.

– 2023年1月~ ~ 黑媽基隆 – 榮獲 IDA(美國國際設計獎)中獲得”銅牌獎”

– 2023年2月 ~ ~ 黑媽基隆 – 榮獲APR IIDA ( 亞洲建築國際室內設計協會) 中獲得餐廳室內設計金牌獎

我們在這分享我們的榮譽——我們覺得能得到這些光榮是因為 ~ 黑媽的瘋狂 + 基隆這個文化特色,神祕的城市的原因, 幸運的讓我們得到這些成就..

2022年, 黑媽團隊和可愛的客人經歷了一年瘋狂,愉快的旅程, 黑媽大大感謝基隆的愛戴, 黑媽等不急下星期一再次歡迎可愛的客人們,讓我們再次共度愉快瘋狂2023年@ 基隆黑媽.


Well this is getting a little embarrassing – but it seems that we’ve won yet another International Interior Design Award for our crazy little Bar in Keelung.

This time it’s a Gold Award for Restaurant Interior at the APR IIDA – The Architecture Press Release International Interior Design Awards – from Asia.

We promise you all that this is the very last time we will beat our own chest in this manner – as we have not entered any more Competitions!

All our results are now in – Bad Mama Keelung is a Finalist for ‘Bar Design’ at the SBID Awards (Society of British & International Design)

We also won a Bronze Award for ‘Sustainability’ at the IDA (International Design Awards)

And now Gold for ‘Restaurant Interior’ at the APR IIDA.

(The Architecture Press Release International Interior Design Awards)

We have shared our Gold Winning Entry Document here – as Gemma & Adam feel that it best describes & visually documents the mad journey along the wild & rocky road that led to the Design & Creation of Bad Mama Keelung.

We love being a part of the Culturally Unique City that is Keelung – with it’s centuries of tradition & mystery.

We believe that the Future is best served by Re-Imagining the Past.

We look forward to greeting all our loyal Keelung friends when we re-open next Monday & we thank everyone for their support.

Cheers to you all!

Gemma & Adam.